القائمة الرئيسية


أخبار الاخبار

برجراف لكل المواضيع ثانوية عامة 2024 برجراف لاى موضوع ثانوية عامة

 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

 اللهم صل و سلم و يارك على سيدنا محمد صل الله عليه و سلم .


برجراف يصلح لكل المواضيع لانه يتناول السلبيات و الايجابيات لك موضوع و يشمل جمل عامية تصلح للحديث عن اى موضوع  وتناسب  الكلام عن اى برجراف .

ملحوظة الاماكن الفارغة او مكان النقط نكتب فيه اسم الموضوع الذى ياتى بالامتحان .

In the beginning I would like to say it is the most important subject to write about it,  in fact this subject  represent  alot to all people in the socitey  as it represent the life for them.

  if people put it in thier minds it will help them alot in their life  , so I advice every one  in life to take care in this paragraph

If you asked me what is the happiest time in my life I would like to say it is during writing this subject

We are as students and you are as our respected teachers ,we both should be interested in ....-----.... because it can change life for alot of people

  a--------Is very necessary these days as all the countries of the world depend on .........,so we can guess it is useful for them It is the role of media , social media and TV channels to spread the awareness among people to take it into their consideration 

It is our role that we should advise others to benefit from it s adventage s and try to avoid its disadvantages




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