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أخبار الاخبار

برجراف عن كيف توفر الطاقة للثانوية العامة how to save energy

Energy can be defined as the ability to cause change or perform a specific action and be in the form of heat, light or mechanical movement, and it can be said that energy cannot be created because it is already present and not destroyed and has many different forms and comes from multiple sources

Energy sources and forms
There are two main sources of energy, which are renewable sources, non-renewable sources, and renewable sources such as sun, water, and wind, meaning that they are constantly renewable and do not end. As for non-renewable sources, they are like petroleum and coal, which are existing and used by humans, but they are not permanent and will be implemented one day

Types of energy
There are several types of energy that can be mentioned in the following points:

Solar energy: it is the energy resulting from sunlight and is considered clean energy that does not cause pollution to the environment and is a renewable energy and is the basis of all energies on the face of the earth through heating the atmosphere and land and plant germination and animal feed and water heating as well as the formation of fuel in the ground with the passage of days and can be converted to heat The driving force is even cold, and the effect of the sun's rays varies according to the four seasons of the sun, the brightness of the sun and the clouds that may obscure it and absorb the sun's rays through buildings, walls, windows, and water.

Chemical energy: It is obtainable from fuels such as oil, natural gas, and coal, that is, it is found in nature
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